Gel Extraction and C1V1 calculations for Isolate Sample Dilutions
After last weeks ligation failure and being unable to find a new ligation procedure, its been decided to put the restriction enzyme ligation project on pause. For now I'm helping out the overlap group again, which really just means helping Lani with whatever project she's currently doing. While Monday was spent trying to figure out the restriction enzyme project, Wednesday I helped with a gel extraction and Friday we spent doing C1V1 calculations. Gel Extraction Procedures- We started by removing the DNA fragment from the gel, putting it in a microfuge tube and weighing it. A fter we added the gel dissolving buffer, with 400 microliters of buffer per 100 milligrams of the gel W e then incubated the sample at 50 degrees Celsius until it was dissolved, inverting it slightly every so often T hen we inserted the column into a collection tube and loaded the sample. After spinning for a minute we discarded the flow through W e then reinserted the co