Sporulation Test and Starting work on the Poster
This week we started work on the poster as well as were able to finish the sporulation tests. For the sporulation tests we used the two sets of plates that had sat out through spring break in order to truly starve the cells in order to force them to produce spores if they are able. The procedure for a sporulation test is very fundamentally similar to gram staining, using malachite green to distinct vegetative cells from spores. Sporulation Procedure 1. Bring 250mL of water in a beaker to a slight boil using a hot plate. 2. Use a wax crayon to draw a circle onto six slides. 3. Label two slides each of the positive control , negative control, and tested bacteria (+B. subtilis, - S. epi, ? D. sonorensis.) as well as the date in order to separate the two sets 4. Spread each sample within notated circle and use Bunsen burner to heat fix onto slide. 5. Attach clothing pins on either end of the slide and rest upon the top of the beaker, allowing the steam to hit the sample.